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Let's help you sell more, through a regular NEWS video production showcasing your latest client solutions
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We'll help you get up to 100 new clients per annum through video testimonials, which let your customers sell for you.
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Let's help you sell more products through an explainer video, showing how your kit solves a client's problem
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Let's help you get your website up the page rankings, as Google gets excited if you have a video made by us on each page

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Let's help you create client trust and build sales by looking professional through a well shot and carefully crafted video, with the all important subtitles
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Doing video yourself? We have all the video editing tools from Grass Valley. We are an Edius.net reseller also providing complete turnkey computer editing systems in our shop
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Video  is KING


Boost your sales through video: SHOW, DON’T TELL

This video is provided to help you use the power of video to increase your sales

In this video we look at overcoming any fears you may have and some workaround options to help you make a successful video

  • Fear of presenting to camera and staring into a lens
  • Fear of forgetting what you are saying in front of camera
  • How presentation training helps overcome issues
  • Not liking the sound of your own voice
  • Alternative filming techniques: the easy chair interview
  • During lockdown virtual production by utilising your mobile phone footage
  • 2 options to create a successful video without actually being in it.




Charity Video Production, Business and Corporate Video Production in Hampshire, and surrounding counties, keep reading.



And to see how we have helped other businesses boost their sales, please browse our previous video work on the videos menu item.


Your example scenario for video


So you’ve got the world’s greatest widget – and you’d like to use the world’s greatest medium to show how great it is –VIDEO


Now lots of companies can make you one of those.


A long form demo, or a short form explainer, or a testimonial – destined for Instasnap or FaceTweet, whatever.


But it’ll be time and money wasted if that video company hasn’t bothered to talk to you in detail about your prospective Client’s needs, and tailored your video to speak directly to those requirements.


That’s the difference with the Video4Business Approach.


You can shout about your widget’s brilliant world beating features ’till the cows come home but your prospective customers are more interested in what it can do to help their business, to raise their profile, enhance their profits.


Video4Business makes it OUR business to understand all that. AND, with your input and help – we’ll create a video that entices your potential clients to pick up the phone – to call YOU.


Let’s see how we can make that work for you. Drop us a line, or give us a call, or fill in the form below, get your free e-book and we’ll start the ball rolling.



“I have a fear of presenting to camera”

We will help you to address that fear, by helping boost your presentation skills, honing the script, then all you have to do is look happy and read the script telepromter scrolling words in front of the camera, or we can create an easy chair interview. Just think about this … you can’t hide under the table when meeting a client – so why not instead have a relaxed chat with an interviewer, which is very similar in feeling to a client meeting.


“I don’t know how to start”

Simple: write down how your business solves client problems – and that’s the basis of your script, we will work on the rest with you. Everything spoken on the video should be aimed at resolution of client fear, benefits to the client, solving problems and a importantly a call to action at the end.

Getting comfortable about your investment in video and what to do next

“It seems like it’s too expensive and will it work, and will I get a return?”

Ok let’s not look at the cost of the video but the return on investment. For example, we regularly produced videos for radio stations, which through existing client testimonials promoted the effectiveness of radio advertising against print media. They ran these videos at the end of a Power Point presentation to potential new clients, and generally 10 new advertisers signed up at an average spend of £1000 per month, giving an increase in revenue of £120,000 per year and their video production spend was £12,000 with us. Isn’t that a good example of a 10:1 return on investment?


What do you do next?

To see what all the options are and to delve into these issues more deeply as well as common pitfalls to avoid, get our Guide to Successful Videos eBook by filling in the contact form and you will be emailed a link to the pdf eBook.


Download your free eBook


  • 70% more likely to be on the front page of a Google search.
  • Google bought YouTube and loves YouTube videos.
  • Google is actively preferring to rank websites higher with YouTube video.
  • Around 1200% more engagement and sharing on Social Media with video
  • Video builds trust in your business & brand.
  • It tells the story over and over again, fresh as the day it was written.
  • 35% of executives who have watched a video call the business.
  • 19% of those callers then make a purchase, your next client?


  • Telling your business’s ethos and story
  • Hotel or restaurant guest experience
  • Show what a great Pub you run
  • What the clients say
  • Explain that magic visitor experience
  • Show what great service you give
  • Show how something is made
  • Benefits of using a product or service
  • Explaining how to use a product
  • A day in the life of a consultant
  • TV advertising
  • Training, Health and Safety


our work

Take a look through our range of video production work in Hampshire, showing everything from short 30 second promos to mini documentaries.


about video 4 business

Find out a bit more about Video 4 Business, the professional video production team located in Hampshire with wide experience behind the scenes.


our process

Commissioning video can be daunting but our Hampshire based simple step by step process guiding you through the stages of video production, helps you to understand and plan.



4 hours of footage are often taken to produce a 30 second clip


We have access to 3,500 different audio tracks in various genres


Drone footage from 20 feet to 400 feet can be very effective


We travelled 6,421 miles to film a documentary in Southern Brazil